Dreams are an incredible kaleidoscope of random and strange images from the dark depths of our subconscious. Sometimes, it is completely impossible to explain in words which illusion you have seen. But when it comes to creativity, the images from dreams may come in handy.

From time to time, we all have vivid and memorable visions, which everyone has captured at least once in their life. 

Dreams are often a rich source of inspiration for those who like to display their thoughts on paper. Even though such people are driven by their internal emotions, they also need a paper proofread to avoid mistakes. Painting and drawing are visual forms of journaling. Creating designs from delusions seems to be a perfect option when there is a lack of ideas.

But waking up with vague memories of that set of pictures makes it difficult to assemble it all together. Images that whirled in our minds even five minutes ago can be impossible to recreate. Still, the question is as follows: “Is it worth trying to incorporate nightmare fuel dreams into design sketches?”

Find Inspiration

No one would argue that sometimes inspiration is an Achilles’ heel for many designers. Or, to be more precise, the lack of it. Imagine yourself holding a notebook and a pen and suddenly realizing that ideas do not want to come to mind. Don’t be upset, though. One’s creativity is often based on life experiences and the surrounding things.

Think about the latest dream you had. Was it bright and positive or vice versa? Consider how you can use the idea to develop a new design. A genuine designer must be able to critically evaluate their ideas and make decisions about the possibility of their use in certain situations.

Save All Material

In this context, the word “material” corresponds to your own dreams. Indeed, it doesn’t matter whether you will use your sketches in the future or not. But try to collect all the ideas you come up with. Try to sketch or write down all the illusions you have in a notebook and save all the material collected in this process.

There even exist many different apps and online programs to help you take your notes. A simple pen and a sheet of paper will also be a great helper for picturing your ideas.

Study the Symbols

Here comes a turning point. Why should I decipher the night delusions? Is this a kind of superstitious belief? Have your head generated these questions after reading the title?

The nature of visions is mysterious and enigmatic. Why then would people study it from ancient times to the present day? But not a single book will give you an accurate interpretation of your night experiences. Delusions are inherently multilevel and individual. Therefore, using the images from delusions can help a designer create unique and unexpected forms and shapes.

First of all, it is necessary to follow a system that is aimed at both recognizing one’s dreams and establishing connections between reality and illusion.

Study Symbols

Defining Emotions

Not only the image itself is important, but also the emotions related to it. It is necessary to understand how a person interacts with their dreams, as well as the feelings acquired after waking up. A correct interpretation of delusions means combining all these details into one whole and transforming them into a specific conclusion. The main thing is not to miss any detail to produce a complete and rich reflection.

Defining emotions is the first stage in creating an artistic masterpiece. Think about the people who will look at the result of your efforts. What do they want to get? Obscure and ambiguous view? Yes, those who admire surrealism will definitely like the idea. But the main thing for a viewer is to experience an emotional flow while enjoying art.

Do not abandon the idea of using a dream for some design machinations if that vision was a negative experience. Sometimes, it is better to get rid of obsessive thoughts and feelings through creativity. This way, you will kill two birds with one stone.

Analyzing Colors

Apart from recognizing the images, try to remember the colours that arose in your dream. What was the colour of the creatures you saw, or of the water and sky? Dark, colourless visions most often indicate a negative state of mind. Colourful illusions, on the contrary, are a sign of spiritual comfort. However, whatever colour may appear in your delusions, it can be mirrored by paints and their combinations.


Learn from Classics

How do you think your favourite painters and designers come up with new creative ideas? It is not always the product of pure imagination. It is rather the assistance of the subconscious.

Indeed, even the most prominent artists in world history applied their illusions as instruments for inspiration. Nowadays, we call the masters of this genre surrealists. Think about Salvador Dali or Pablo Picasso. Their imagery often has a dreamlike reflection because they aim at the awakening of the subconscious.

The most prominent examples of this are Dali’s melting clocks, which everyone has ever seen for sure. Moreover, his heritage also includes the painting “Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening.” We can only try to guess whether this one was inspired by Salvador’s dreams or some other sources of imagination.

Final Words

One of the most important things for any artist or designer to remember is that art comes from delving into their personal sets of symbols, which are often reflected in dreams. Thus, it is not worth being afraid of revitalizing them. Delusions can not only tell a lot about the person but also entail strong feelings and emotions.

By implementing the images that are generated by night visions, you give birth to some of your internal superpowers. The influence of art is growing when it becomes the product of personal experiences and impressions.

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Published by Editorial Team.

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