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How to Get Real Instagram Followers? – 5 Easy Ways

Get Real Instagram Followers

Instagram is a popular photo and video-sharing social network. It’s a free app that you can download on iPhone, Android, and Windows Phone smartphone devices. You can use Instagram to share what you eat, where you go, what you’re watching, who’s your latest crush…anything at all that interests you!

How to get more followers?

One of the benefits of being famous on Instagram is having more followers. Some people spend hours a day trying different techniques to gain new followers for their accounts, but it doesn’t have to be like this for everyone. It’s not that difficult to increase your Instagram following.

Get Instagram followers

It is a fact that people will follow everyone who follows them. Instagram allows you to make it easy for people to view your posts and follow you back. If a person likes your photo, they usually comment on it to say thanks and tag their friends.

This will get more people interested in viewing your account, which in turn results in more followers. There are organic and inorganic ways of increasing your follower count on Instagram. You can also alternatively opt to purchase real Instagram followers to gain engagement on Instagram but that’s just one of the many available ways.

Here are 5 ways to gain real followers on Instagram:

1. Like and Comment on Other People’s Photos

People who aren’t following you can see who you are following and what you are up to. Their attention will turn to your followers’ photos. But people won’t necessarily follow you unless someone they know follows you first. This way, people will be more likely to follow your account if they like the photos or videos posted by your followers.

Instagram Likes

2. Make your profile look good

Make sure to add a good picture of yourself as your profile image, and include only high-quality photos on your Instagram feed. This way, people will be more likely to follow you if they like the photos that you post. Include a short description of yourself in the About Me section as well. Include links to all of your social media accounts in the profile description or bio section of your account so people can easily follow you elsewhere if they like what they see.

3. Get to know your followers

Always reply politely when someone interacts with your account by liking or commenting on one of your posts. It shows them that you are interested in what they are saying and doing. This way, they’ll feel a bond with you, and eventually be much more likely to follow your account.

A great way to gain engagement on Instagram is to engage with people one-to-one as much as possible. Respond to someone’s comment, do a live, and arrange a Q/A session. Make sure you know what your followers enjoy and what they’re there for.

4. Use Hashtags

Using Hashtags on Instagram is a great way to make people interested in your posts, especially if you’re using the right hashtags. It allows you to post relevant and easy-to-find content. Try including your own or someone else’s hashtags in your posts to see what works best. If you have a specific hashtag that works with your account, use it! 

Hashtags are great because they arrange your post in the relevant series of potentially millions of other posts. Are you a travel blogger? Then tagging your post #travel can make it insanely popular among travel enthusiasts or people who frequent this particular hashtag through their explore feed. This is how you’re much more likely to show up on someone’s explore feed as compared to without using hashtags.

5. Buy Instagram Followers

Using SMM panels or follow-for-follow software and platforms can help you gain engagement on Instagram by buying Instagram followers. You can opt to pay a small fee for the same with an SMM panel backing you up and giving you tons of new followers and supporters.

Alternatively, you can choose to work things out with people by following them and having them genuinely follow you back without the chances of them backing out at the very last moment. Since engagement is key, the way you set up your niche and profile can make or break how the algorithm reacts to your account and how much reach you get on Instagram.


Getting more than 100k followers on Instagram is not that easy. If you’re only getting 50 followers a day, it will take you 6 months to reach that one figure. Some people are starting their accounts with the sole purpose of building a massive follower count on Instagram and never stop to think about the long-term benefits.

So, do remember why you joined Instagram in the first place and have specific goals! While there are many Instagram bots and platforms which promise to bring you the best followers in a short period, you should stick to a smart strategy for your account engagement, so you will not have a bad time in the long run.



Published by Editorial Team.